The usual pattern of Cathedral Services and Confession Times, as well as a detailed calendar of special services.

Please check the calendar below for details of any changes, as well as the weekly Sunday Newsletter (PDF) . You will also find below some useful resources, such as reader rotas as well as the current Weekday Mass Propers.



Mass   7.30am, 12.30pm (6pm during Lent)

Saturday Mass:

Mass   9.30am, 12.30pm, 6pm (First Mass of Sunday)

Sunday Mass:

Mass  8am, 10am (Family), 11.30am (Solemn), 1pm (Español), 6pm

Holy Days of Obligation:

Mass  7.30am, 12.30pm, 6pm

Bank/Public Holidays:

Mass  12.30pm  (Cathedral closed afterwards)

Confession Times:

Monday to Friday: 12-12:20pm
Saturday: 11:15am-12.15pm, 5-5.50pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Will usually take place on Friday from 8am until 6pm, and on Saturday from 10am until 12.15pm (The Blessed Sacrament will usually be exposed in the Day Chapel).

Note: Eucharistic Adoration will next take place on Friday 3 January 2020.


Weekly Mass Resources:

Click here to find readings for Mass of the day (
Click here for the Cathedral's Weekday Mass Propers sheet (PDF)